titania’s song - alison bauld

Pianist: Robert Bottriell



Pianist: Robert Bottriell


The Empty Song - Libby Larsen (From Love after 1950)

Recorded in May 2023 at St Barnabas Church, Ealing.

Pianist: Paul Ayres


che si può fare - Barbara strozzi

Performed as part of Strozzi! A jukebox opera of Barbara Strozzi's music conceived, compiled and directed by Jennifer Hamilton.

Musical Director: Harry Sever

Barbara Strozzi: Miranda Ostler | Isabella Garzoni: Lizzie Nicholson | Giulio Strozzi: Luke Stanley

Recorded July 2022 at Blackheath Halls, London.


Yearning - julian marshall

Direction: Daisy Brodskis | Starring: Hannah Rudd
Choreography: Daisy Brodskis & Hannah Rudd
Cinematography: Miguel Altunaga
Score: Julian Marshall | Libretto: Emily Bland
Singer: Miranda Ostler

Audio recorded in April 2021. Head to 12:30 to hear Miranda sing (but ideally watch the whole video!)


Get in touch with Miranda here if you’d like to hear more recordings.
To browse Miranda’s composition portfolio, click here.

© John Hunter, 2022